Thu 13 March 2025
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Writing in Education - Vol. 29 - Ed. Flann


In this issue:

Allowing Play
Clare Crossman charts a multi-school drama project 'Putting Science Centre Stage'.
I Had a Pet and It Died - Listening and Writing in Primary Schools
David Greenslade stresses how both oral and aural skills contribute to effective storytelling.
Into Distance Learning
David McVey points out how official documents benefit from the storyteller's craft.
Love, Love, Love
Penny Darby provides an account of writing residencies in three northern prisons.
Poets in Schools - teachers, entertainers or ticks in boxes
Sue Horner considers the role and responsibilities of the writer in education.
Putting Scots on the School Map
Sheena Blackhall insists that the literature of a local language or dialect should not be ignored.
Re-Placing Creativity
Jonathan Barnes' keynote lecture from the recent UKRA conference.
The AfterFracture Project
Joan Michelson's personal misfortune became the prompt for a new poetry initiative.
Using Stories and Myths in Global Citizenship
Ben Ballin considers what drama strategies might be useful for such work.
Working out of the Shadows
Martyn Crucefix writes about collaborative voice and performance training with a group of adults.
Write on Too!
Jonathan Davidson describes this multi-school, multi-writer programme in Birmingham.
Writers in Schools: NAWE's pilot traineeship scheme
Anne Caldwell gives an account of the successes of NAWE's recent training programme.

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