Sun 22 December 2024
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Writing in Education - Vol. 11 - Ed. Cashdan

In this issue:

Gillie Bolton describes her approach to working with medical patients.
Creative Writing in the National Curriculum
Deborah Allen wonders if the school timetable allows sufficient space for creativity.
Developing Creativity: The Place of the Imagination in the Academy
Jeremy Hooker describes the important role of creative writing within academic instuitutions.
Falling in Place: The Growth of a Novel
Novelist Sue Gee describes the process of writing The Hours of the Night (Arrow 1997).
Learning Journals - Some Reflections
Pat Murgatroyd, Briance Vince, John Goodwin and Irene Selway take another look at the issues surrounding learning journals.
Poetry and Education
Samantha Coleman talks to Jacqueline Brown about the tension between poetry and education.
Singing to you
Poet David Hart is interviewed by Bryan Podmore.
Teaching Writers Grammar
John Bird takes a look at some crucial skills.
Teaching Writing in a Hospice Day Centre
Dom McLoughlin describes his work writing poems with the terminally ill.
Writing and Symbolism
Anthony Bloor's paper written for the NAWE conference on 'The Diversity of Teaching Writing' at Middlesex University.

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