Thu 13 March 2025
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Writing in Education - Vol. 14 - Ed. Cashdan

In this issue:

Better than double English: how useful are poets in schools?
Anthony Wilson analyses his research into the usefulness of poets in schools.
Creative Writing in Higher Education: its place and purposes
David Ball coins a new phrase for us - social literacy.
From Inspiration to Publication & Performance in Two Hours
A National Poetry Day event to fit in with a parents' evening at Gordon Wilson's school leads to some impressive poems.
Prisons and Paradigms - an Approach to Writing Blocks
Caroline Natzler analyses the different kinds of blocks as a way of helping us out of them.
Strange Meeting
John Alcock describes how Warwick University played host to Salman Rushdie.
Talking to myself, talking to others
Sue Gee, award-winning author of The Hours of the Night (Arrow Books 1997), is interviewed by Bryan Podmore.
The expressive community - our place as writers
David Hart asks some important questions about the emotional lives of writers.
Warwickshire Writer-in-Residence Project 1997-8
Andrew Peters looks back over long car journeys but excellent poems.
Writing Drama: from impro to script
Paul Mills provides some useful ideas for drama work with students.

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