Sat 22 February 2025
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Writing in Education - Vol. 5 - Ed. Cashdan

In this issue:

A Cathedral Full of Children
Work by Durham school children, together with an obituary of their writing tutor, Martyn Wiley, by his friend Ian McMillan.
Avoiding the Issue: Student Perceptions of Creative Writing
Greg Light question some of the assumptions made about students and their writing.
Distance Learning Creative Writing: A Pilot Project
Phil Emery describes the practicalities of setting up a writing course for housebound clients.
Finding a Voice - Creative Writing Courses and HEFCE Self-assessment Exercises
Rose Atfield asks how attainment targets fit with the needs of developing writing with sensitivity.
I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep
Liz Fincham writes about her work as literature development worker in West Sussex.
Information Technology in the Teaching of Creative Writing
John Turner and Danny Broderick explain how information technology has been introduced to the creative writing programme at Sheffield Hallam University.
Landscape and Poetry - Four Days in Grasmere
Terry Gifford introduces poems produced by students on the Literature and Environment courses at Bretton Hall.
Learning the Technique of Writing for Newspapers and Magazines
Maria Atkinson tells how she went about her chosen career.
NAWE Training Course for Writers and Teachers
Susan Skinner reports on the course she attended at Stafford House, Hassocks, West Sussex.
People Matter - How I Got Involved in the Early Outreach Project
Jenny Ashton describes the workings of this Sheffield University writing project.
Project at the Tate Gallery with St Bartholomew's School - November / December 1994
Chrissie Gittins leads a series of writing workshops focusing on works of visual art.
The Bilingual Child in the Primary School
Susheila Stone stresses the need to provide multicultural libraries in our classrooms.
The Fiction of Your Life
Pat West describes her course on the relationship between fiction and autobiography.
The Power of Myths
Julia Casterton introduces seven-year-olds to the story of Demeter and Persephone.
The Year So Far - Literature Development in Derbyshire
Bob Fretwell reflects on his varied work with readers and writers.

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