Mon 31 March 2025
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Writing in Education - Vol. 6 - Ed. Cashdan

In this issue:

Building a Community of Writers in Schools
This is an abridged version of the keynote speech delivered by David Morley at the Conference for Teachers and Writers in Chichester.
Cultural Institutions & Education
Paul Munden reports on the British American Arts Association Conference.
Drafting: imaginative, critical, and evaluative uses
Robyn Bolam describes a poetry workshop based on 'imaginative redrafting' of existing texts.
How do we learn? What is poetry for?
David Hart offers a personal account from the Hay on Wye Festival.
Landscape Writing - The Poetry of Place
John Alcock
Literary Apartheid?
Debjani Chatterjee writes about the importance of overcoming cultural barriers.
Never So Near Nature - Writing Work With Dementia Sufferers
John Killick explores the nature of both memory and language.
No Mean City
John Calvert reports on a workshop in Manchester led by Steve Waling.
The Arvon Education Development Project
Sandy Brownjohn explains how Arvon's successful writing courses are now catering for teachers.
We All Shall Be Changed... The Messiah Project
Philip Gross reflects on his role in leading workshops in which pupils from Bath schools made their own creative response to Handel's Messiah.
Writing Reminiscences in Brentwood
Maggie Freeman provides an account of her adult education workshops.
Writing: The Double Helix
David O'Fallon elaborates on the twin narratives - private and public - which we inhabit.

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