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Writing in Education - Vol. 53 - Conference 2010

Writing in Education No. 53

In this issue:

Adaptation and Montage
Derek Neale discusses the broad relevance of filmic techniques.
Balancing Authority with Imagination
Karen Stevens reflects on the challenges of teaching fiction in Higher Education.
Being in Uncertainties, Mysteries and Doubts
Diana Barsham considers ‘negative capability’ and the role of the imagination in the academy today.
Bridges in Blackpool
Ashley Lister describes the introduction of an e-learning module for students moving from FE to HE.
Does It Work on the Page?
Rosemary Dun asks if performance poetry is a separate discipline, and how it might be taught.
Getting into the Flow
Lisa Samson presents her ‘Earth, Air, Fire and Water’ workshop.
Law and the Short Story
Alyson Morris reports how Human Rights students have trialled the short story as a method of assessment.
Should there be a fully Creative PhD?
Sarah Dobbs questions the requirement to validate a PhD in Creative Writing with a critical exegesis.
Storytelling – True Stories
Liz Cashdan provides an account of her work with secondary school pupils, focusing on World War II.
Strange and Wondrous Words
Gill James offers some creative writing exercises for working in foreign languages.
The Plot Thickens
Heather Richardson explores the use of historical sources in writing a novel.
Using Storytelling Techniques in Education Practice
Craig Batty and Sandra Cain consider a range of applications.
Why Comedy Should Be Taught in Schools
Marc Blake describes how and why sitcom might be a useful focus.

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