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In June 2013, Little, Brown Book Group will launch the first digital literary imprint from a major UK publisher

Blackfriars has been created with the aim of discovering and nurturing new talent (or talent that has been away for a while) by Clare Smith of L,B/Abacus and Ursula Doyle of Virago.

Blackfriars is a unique venture, the first of its kind in the UK, and will be open to new work from writers at any stage in their career. Smith says, ‘We know there are writers out there producing wonderful novels and memoirs, and we know there are readers of literary fiction and non-fiction who would welcome guidance through the digital labyrinth.’

The list will launch in June, with a media partner who will promote Blackfriars, its titles and its democratic ethos of giving opportunities and exposure to exciting new work. Doyle says,‘Writers are still writing; readers are still reading; we see Blackfriars as enriching our literary publishing and making the relationship between reader, writer and publisher one of real collaboration.’

Blackfriars will have its own website, which will be a lively, interactive home for the list, featuring extracts, blog pieces from some star-name writers across the LB/Abacus and Virago lists recommending their favourite new authors, and a ‘reader recommends’ function where the general public can make a case for why their favourite unpublished writer deserves a place on the Blackfriars list. The website will be supported by dedicated Blackfriars social media channels and a monthly email newsletter.

With the weight of an award-winning publisher and experienced in-house teams behind it, and the flexibility to respond to an ever-changing market, Blackfriars will be a key player in the rapidly evolving relationship between writers, readers and publishers.

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