Tue 16 July 2024
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We were set up by a writer and book marketing professional who wanted to help fellow writers raise their profiles and promote their books on a national scale

Authoright has been helping authors since 2005. We were set up by a writer and book marketing professional who wanted to help fellow writers raise their profiles and promote their books on a national scale. Historically, effective book marketing has been the preserve of well-known authors and as such the media market has been largely closed off to traditionally published mid-list authors, smaller publishing houses with limited budgets and self-publishing companies and their authors.

We are formed of experienced marketers, lawyers, journalists and writers that work to creatively promote an author's book. We use our network of industry contacts to pitch the book, the author and their back-story to journalists across broadcast, print and online press. Because we have a physical presence in both the UK and North American book markets, we are able to promote our clients' books globally. As such, we regularly achieve the kind of exposure for our clients normally enjoyed solely by established bestsellers and celebrities, helping them to raise their literary profile and build a confident platform from which to move forward with their writing careers. And hopefully they'll see an increase in sales too.

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