NAWE aims to put creativity at the heart of education. NAWE is a charity funded largely by its
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Nick Toczek
Born (in 1950) and raised in Shipley, Yorkshire, Nick Toczek now lives in Bradford and is married to Gaynor. They've two children and two grandchildren. Nick is a full-time professional writer and performer. He's a poet, storyteller, journalist and researcher, radio presenter, professional magician and puppeteer. He's published more than sixty books, released two dozen albums (of music and/or spoken word) and has toured globally. As a writer-in-schools for more than fify years, he'd worked with pupils from thousands of UK schools, and has visited schools in four dozen countries.
- The Columbus Memoirs and other tales (book of lyrics & back-story + 19-track CD album of songs by Nick Toczek & Signia Alpha, Mutiny 2000 Records, Autumn 2022).
- The Columbus Memoirs (coloured vinyl album of 10 songs by Nick Toczek & Signia Alpha, Mutiny 200 Records, June 2022).
- Death and other destinations (coloured vinyl album of 10 songs by Nick Toczek & Thies Marsen, Not-A-Rioty Records, January 2021).
- The Corona Diary (book of daily pandemic poems by Nick Toczek, Mutiny 2000 Publications, November 2020).
- WaLking The Tightrope (coloured vinyl album of 11 songs by Nick Toczek & Signia Alpha, Mutiny 2000 Records, May 2021).
- Shooting The Messenger (coloured vinyl album of 11 songs by Nick Toczek & Signia Alpha, Mutiny 2000 Records, November 2020).
- Voices In My Head (book of poems for upper secondary pupils and adults, Caboodle Books, March 2020).
- Shooting The Messenger (CD album of 17 songs with the band Signia Alpha, Mutiny 2000 Records, Jan 2020).
- The Bavariations Album (CD album of 12 songs with the German multi-instrumentalist and composer Thies Marsen, Not-A-Rioty, July 2019).
- Dragons Are Back! (best of Nick's dragon poems for children and adults, Caboodle Books, 2016).
- Haters, Baiters and Would-Be Dictators (a book on the history of 20th century racism and anti-Semitism, Routledge, 2016).
Reference awaited
Reference awaited