Books Already published
The Best of CaféLit 2011 (Manchester, Chapeltown) 2012 ISBN 978-0-956868-039
Build a Book (Manchester, Chapeltown) 2011 ISBN 978-0-9568680-0-8
Hipp-O-Dee-Do-Dah,( ed) Gill James (Manchester, Bridge House) 2011 ISBN 9781907335112
Kiters (Manchester, Tabby Cat Press) 2011, ISBN 978-0-9555725-8-6
Babel (Manchester, The Red Telephone) 2011, ISBN 978-1-907335-10-5
Creative Language Learning, French Resource (London: Continuum) 2010 ISBN 978-0826409-92-8
Twelve Days (ed) (Manchester: The Red Telephone) 20101 ISBN 978-1-907335-02-0
The Prophecy (Manchester: The Red Telephone) 2009 ISBN 978-0-955791-08-6.
Scum Bag (Cambridge: Butterfly) 2009 ISBN 978-190616-6-02 1.
Making Changes (ed) (Southampton: Bridge House) 2008 ISBN 978-095597910-5-5
The Lombardy Grotto February. (Cambridge: Butterfly) 2008 ISBN 978190616601-4.
The World of French Revision 7-8. (London:Letts) 2005 ISBN 1-84315-546-X
The World of French Revision 8-9. . (London:Letts) 2005 SBN 1-84315-547-8.
The World of French Revision 9-10. (London:Letts) 2005 ISBN 1-84315-548-6
The World of French Revision 10-11. (London:Letts) 2005 ISBN 1-84315-549-4
Nick’s Gallery (London: Britannica, Baltimore: America). 2004 ISBN 1-4137-2186-9
The Complete Guide to learning a Language (Oxford: How To Books) ISBN 1-85703-903-3
Jason’s Crystal (Chichester: Summerfield) 1997 ISBN 1-873475-27-6
(b) Accepted for publication and currently in press
Chapters in books
Already published
‘The Gargoyle’ in Hipp-O-Dee-Do-Dah, ed Gill James (Manchester, Bridge House) 2011 ISBN 9781907335112
‘The Man Pond’ in Gentle Footprints, ed Debz Hobbs-Wyatt. (Manchester: Bridge House) 2010 ISBN 9781907335044
‘Writing for Children Workshop’ in The Creative Writing Workbook, ed Graeme Harper (London: Continuum:) 2008 ISBN 978-0826494-29-0 pp 97-110
‘Thinking Outside the Box’ in Tonguefreed ed Elizabeth Maldonado (Portsmouth: Portsmouth University Press) 2007 pp 10-13
‘All Things Wise and Wonderful’ (Chisinau: British Embassy Press) 2007 No ISBN
‘Losing a Young Friend’ in Percieving British Culture Through the Might of Words, (Chisinau: British Embassy Press) 2007 No ISBN
“The Gift Child” (short story) in Lines in the Sand eds. Mary Hoffman and Rhiannon Lassiter (London: Frances Lincoln) 2004 ISBN 978-0711222823
Articles in refereed journals
‘Strange and Wondrous Words’ in Writing in Education 2011 ISSN 1361 8539
‘Molecules of Hope’ in Writing in Education 2010 ISSN 1361 8539
‘The Undergraduate Creative Writing Workshop’, March 2009. Creative Writing Teaching: Theory and Practice. [online] Volume 1 Number 1 48-62 ISSN 2040-3356 Available at:
‘Writing Creatively in Another Language’ on Teaching English as a Foreign Language at (Site which deals with English as a Foreign Language teaching – peer reviewed by teachers) 2006
‘Creative Writing in Other Languages’ in New Writing, The International Journal for the Theory and Practice of Creative Writing, Vol 2 Number 1 ISSN 1479- 0276 pp44-57
“A Day in the Life” in NAWE case-studies, 2004 ISSN 1361 8539
Accepted for publication and currently in press
‘Work in(g) Process’ New Writing, The International Journal for the Theory and Practice of Creative Writing, ISSN 1479 0276
‘Voices in Young Adult Literature’ Write4Children, ISSN 1758-9835
Available at:
Other published output
Stories for Litro (distributed on London Underground)
Stories and articles for Triond (on-line publication)
Stories for Rainy City Stories (Manchester-based on-line publication)
Six short stories in various anthologies by Bridge House Publishing between November 2008 and present.
Some editorial work for Bridge House Publishing
Mrs James gave lessons in Creative Writing in some of my English classes while she was in Kleve getting my pupils to speak German for English oral examination texts in German and for recording conversations for teenage magazines.
The pupils were aged between 13-17 and had had English as their first foreign language for between four and six years at our Gymnasium (= Grammar School). She has been giving these lessions for the last three years (2001-2004) whenever she has been here on a visit.
My pupils found Mrs James' lessons interesting, especially as she is a published author and could speak from her own experiences. I also found the lessons interesting as there is not so much time in our curriculum for Creative Writing amongst so many other areas of English learning. Mrs James structured the lessons well, first with theory, then followed by the pupils putting the points learnt into practice by writing pieces themselves (and challenging their imaginations!) to be commented on by Mrs James herself afterwards.
Mrs James got on very well with pupils of all classes and ages and it is always a pleasure working with her.
I can thoroughly recommend her for a post in Creative Writing.
Head of English
Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gymnasium, Kleve
Gill James, is currently our creative writing tutor. Gill works with adults to help them find their writing voice in a small group. The participants are full of praise for Gill?s manner and enthusiasm and have signed up to continue the course after Christmas. I have found Gill to be a most professional and engaging artist who is willing to share ideas and constructively contribute to the task at hand. Gill has also worked with us through the Big Arts Week programme which was successful. I have no reservations in recommending her for employment.
Community Manager/Performing Arts Co-ordinator
Wildern School, Southampton