NAWE invites creative writing educators to contribute to a special issue of Writing in Practice entitled Innovative Approaches to Teaching Creative Writing: Practical, Engaging Strategies for Creative Writing Educators.
We are seeking high-quality academic articles and creative presentations that explore innovative and reflective approaches to creative writing pedagogy across all educational contexts—including primary, secondary, further education, higher education, and community settings.
Submissions may include original research, theoretical explorations, comprehensive literature reviews, and reflective practice essays that delve into questions such as:
• Effective Creative Writing Pedagogy: What practices and theories underpin successful creative writing teaching?
• Workshopping Creative Writing: What are the affordances and challenges of workshopping in the creative writing classroom?
• Sharing One’s Own Writing: How does sharing personal creative work with students influence learning and creativity?
• Collaborative Writing Practices: What benefits arise from writing alongside students or engaging ‘professional’ writers in the learning process?
• Innovative Pedagogical Approaches: How do techniques such as drama, AI/IT, writing prompts, and other emerging tools transform creative writing education?
We also welcome creative presentations of pedagogical ideas—as long as they follow Writing in Practice guidelines. This includes submissions employing methodologies like autoethnography and action research, as well as those that focus on specific age groups, particularly within school settings.
We are also happy to accept submissions beyond the remit of this special issue which explore the nature of the art of writing, highlighting current academic thinking and practice, in the UK and internationally.
Submissions should be in the region of 4000–10,000 words and include an abstract of up to 200 words.
Full submission details for this special issue (Volume 12) can be found here.
Deadline for submissions: midnight (GMT) Monday 26 January 2026