One-to-One Online Mentoring with Bloodaxe Poet Dr. Kirsten Norrie
Should you like the discrete friendship and wisdom of a poet who has carefully trodden the obscure paths of making, placing and enhancing your poetry in the inner and outer world, then please consider the OSP as a good home for your work to flourish in.
Working twice monthly across a year, a mentorship can bring hidden seeds to fruition, enlighten obscure areas of your voice and craft, build a certain assurance in confronting the worlds of publication and promotion.
You will be working with Bloodaxe poet, Dr. Kirsten Norrie B.F.A (Ist Class Hons), M.F.A., DPhil, Oxon
Dates: Ongoing (the dates given in the listing are notional allowing it to be added to the system)
Location: Online
Price: £1200 payable in instalments if required
Further details here
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About The Oxford School of Poetry and its tutors