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Online Writing Mentoring with Carla Jenkins - Memoir and Novel
Wed 8 Mar 2023 to Tue 31 Dec 2024
Determined to write that novel or your memoir? I can offer you regular meetings, deadlines, and written feedback on your work in progress to get you to where you need to be.

Each online session is one hour long and includes written feedback on up to 2000 words of your work in progress.

I offer a free thirty-minute consultation where we will discuss your current project and your writing goals. Together, we can come up with a plan that suits your specific needs and identifies areas that you may be struggling with and that are holding you back.

I am passionate about writing and love working with other writers.

I was determined to write a novel and get a publishing deal and I made it happen. I can share how I did this with you.

£150 per session (includes written feedback on up to 2000 words)

Carla Jenkins teaches courses in memoir writing and the novel. Last year she secured a two-book deal with Hachette and her debut novel, Fifty Minutes, will be published in May 2024 as one of their key titles. Over the past three years, Carla has been placed in several national and international writing competitions for her novel, life-writing, and short stories. She is currently doing a PhD in Creative Writing while working on her second novel. She has a Masters Degree with Distinction in Creative Writing and fifteen years of teaching experience.

For further details, email: or visit
Additional Information:
£150 per session (includes written feedback on up to 2000 words)

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