Tue 16 July 2024
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Cuckoo Quarterly
Cuckoo welcomes submissions of original writing by writers under the age of 19

Hello and welcome to the newly hatched Cuckoo Quarterly! We’re an online literary magazine designed by and for young writers, a haven from the trials of school or college where you can let your creative juices flow… and in turn sample the creative outpourings of other like-minded individuals. We also want to show you what other young writers have created – and to see what you’ve been writing too.

In this issue, don’t miss the first installment of The Cry of Thunder in our Periodicals section and definitely have a glance at our fiction Shorts. Check out the poet’s latest brooding, join the silent revolution in Rants, or, for something completely new, try Cuttings. Cuckoo Quarterly is a forum for everything from poetry to prose, short stories to movie reviews, opinion to imagination – we’ve got it all and we want to hear from you. Submit your writing – whether its work that’s similar to what we’ve already got or entirely different – send it to us! We’re also open to podcasts, illustrations, videos, whatever medium your scribblings lead you to.

And don’t miss our interview with David Milliband, find out what he is currently reading as well as his response to the student fees and that leadership election.

Enjoy Cuckoo Quarterly. This is writing by young writers who care about writing.

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