WOW! Women On Writing now hosts two quarterly contests: one for fiction writers (flash fiction) and one for nonfiction writers (creative nonfiction essay).
WOW! has been hosting quarterly writing contests since 2006. Our mission is to inspire creativity, great writing, and provide well-rewarded recognition to contestants. The contest is open globally; age is of no matter. Entries must be in English.
Summer 2020 Flash Fiction Contest
Word Count: Maximum: 750 Minimum: 250. We’re open to any style and genre. So, get creative, and most of all, have fun.
First $400.00 cash prize Second $300.00 cash prize Third $200.00 cash prize Plus publication on WOW! Women On Writing
Entry Fee: $10.00
Find out more here
Deadline: August 31st 2020, 11:59 PM (Pacific Time)
Quarterly Creative Nonfiction Essay Contest
Word Count: Maximum: 1000 Minimum: 200. You can write about any subject you want to explore.
First $500.00 cash prize Second $300.00 cash prize Third $200.00 cash prize Plus publication on WOW! Women On Writing
Entry Fee: $12.00
Find out more here
Deadline: July 31st 2020, 11:59 PM (Pacific Time)