The Laurel Prize 2022
Deadline: Sun 17 Apr 2022
The Poet Laureate’s annual environmental and nature poetry prize enters its third year, with three new judges at the helm: Chair, Glyn Maxwell, with fellow judges Tishani Doshi and Elena Karina Bryne.
The Laurel Prize is an award for the best collection of environmental, ecopoetry or nature poetry. The Prize furthers the discourse around climate crisis, environmental and ecological topics and reaches new audiences with environmental messages. Simon Armitage donates his Laureate’s Honorarium of £5,000 each year to support the project.
The Laurel Prize is international, meaning any collection written in the English language will be eligible for entry. Publishers are able to submit collections until 17th April 2022. Only collections published between 17th April 2021 – 17th April 2022 will be eligible for entry. Entries from individual poets of their own work will not be accepted.
There are four Laurel Prizes – First Prize £5,000, Second Prize £2,000 and Third Prize £1,000 for the best books / collections of poems published in English with nature and the environment at their heart, plus an additional £500 Prize for best First Collection
The Prize will run at least for the 10 years of Simon Armitage’s Laureateship, sustaining and growing engagement, impact and reach whilst building an archive and legacy of change
Find out more here
Deadline: April 17th, 2022
Additional Information:
Location: International Region(s): International