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You are here: Home > The Writer's Compass > Events & Opportunities > Jobs > The Authors’ Foundation and K Blundell Trust - Grants for work in progress
The Authors’ Foundation and K Blundell Trust - Grants for work in progress
Deadline: Fri 1 Jul 2022
The Authors’ Foundation and K Blundell Trust award grants twice yearly to writers whose book project is for a commercial UK publisher.

You are eligible to apply if:

You have been commissioned by a commercial British publisher to write a full-length work of fiction, poetry, or non-fiction and need funding (in addition to any publisher’s advance) for important research, travel, or other general expenditure.
You are without a contractual commitment with a publisher but have had at least one book published commercially by a British publisher, of which you are the sole author, and there is a strong likelihood that your next book will be published in Britain.

In both cases you must have a non-contributory contract (either currently or for a previous publication) where you, the author, did not pay funds towards publication costs. Self-published books are not currently eligible for the funds.

Find out more on our website

Next deadline: 1 July 2022

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