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South Bank Poetry
Deadline: Sun 1 May 2016
Do you write urban poetry? If yes then submit your poetry to South Bank Poetry
  • You may submit between 3 to 6 previously unpublished poems.
  • There are no submission deadlines.
  • Submissions are accepted by post or through SubmittableNo email submissions please.
  • Submissions from outside the UK ONLY, may include an email address instead of an SAE for reply.
  • A brief biography (up to 25 words) should be enclosed with your submission AS WELL as an email address.

It is advisable that you submit at least 3 poems for a better chance at being successful as single poems sent in are far less likely to be accepted.

Although we have always published a high percentage of poems set in London, we are also happy to consider poems set in other cities and towns, in the UK and abroad.

For more information and to send your work


Additional Information:

Contact Information:
South Bank Poetry
Contact Name:
Katherine Lockton
Contact Email:
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