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Programme Manager, Small Green Shoots
Deadline: Sun 8 Apr 2018
Small Green Shoots is looking for an experienced Programme Manager to be responsible for the delivery of our annual creative programme and oversee our portfolio of youth projects and arts events funded by Arts Council England, Comic Relief, Heritage Lottery Fund and other partners.

The Programme Manager will lead on the delivery of our suite of projects and ensure they are delivered on-time and in-budget and that we are working with the best creative talent to deliver them. They will deliver evaluation and reporting to our partner organisations and build relationships with funders, project managers and artists in London and across the UK. They will also contribute to our strategy and development as part of our leadership team.

Small Green Shoots, founded in 2010, is a dynamic youth arts charity and consultancy based in Kings Cross which develops inspiring music, theatre, literature and visual arts projects that empower young people and give them the skills they need for a secure future. Most of our participants have never experienced live music, never been to an art gallery and never recited a poem.

Our mission is to change their lives. Our focus is to engage with hard-to-reach audiences around the UK, primarily aged 16-24 and living areas of social deprivation. We offer new and challenging experiences – placing young people centre stage in all we do – they lead, participate in and attend our activities. We also operate a successful Creative Apprenticeship Programme.

The role is based in our office in Kings Cross, and is being advertised as a 4-day a week post with flexible working conditions.

More info here

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