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Ivan Juritz Prize for Creative Experiment 2020: Open for entries
Deadline: Fri 27 Mar 2020
The Ivan Juritz Prize was established in 2014 to celebrate the creative explosion of the modernist era and reward art that seeks to ‘make it new’. Postgraduate students throughout Europe are invited to submit texts, films, musical compositions, virtual documentation of artwork, excerpts of moving image work and proposals for installations and performance.

Entrants can come from traditional academic disciplines or from creative courses.

We are accepting submissions in each of the following categories – text, sound and visual arts.

The prize is a collaboration between the Centre for Modern Literature and Culture at King’s College London and Cove Park, Scotland’s International Artist Residency Centre.

Winners in three categories (text, image, sound) receive £1,000 and spend two weeks at Cove Park.

All shortlisted works are given a public performance at the prize-giving and are written up in the journal Textual Practice.

The 2019 Ivan Juritz Prize is judged by Arlene Sierra, Richard Scott, Josephine Pryde, and Will Eaves.

Please see rules and entry for further details here

The closing date is 27 March 2020.

Additional Information:

Contact Information:
Centre for Modern Literature
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