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Inclusive Voices Short Story Writing Competition
Deadline: Sat 31 Aug 2024
Welcome to Inclusive Voices, where you have the chance to bring a print disabled character to life and win a special recording of your own audiobook! Our short story competition is putting accessibility at its heart to celebrate Calibre Audio, a national charity who've been providing audiobooks to people who struggle to read print for 50 years. Open to UK residents.

We believe stories should be about imagination rather than rules, so we’ve kept our competition terms to a minimum:
• Your story should be 550 words or fewer
• It should feature a character with a print disability.
• You can create and submit your short story in the format you prefer: written, audio or video – in poetry or prose.

Whether you have a print disability or not, you can take part in our short story competition.

Launched as part of Calibre Audio’s 50th anniversary celebrations, Inclusive Voices aims to raise awareness of the challenges that people with print disabilities face in their daily lives. It celebrates the joy everyone can share when stories are truly accessible.

Find out more here.

Deadline: 5pm, 31st August 2024

Additional Information:

Contact Information:
Inclusive Voices, Calibre Audio
Contact Name:
Contact Email:
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