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Books & Publishing
Established in 1921 and published bimonthly, Books+Publishing magazine contains in-depth features, author interviews, opinion and pre-publication reviews of forthcoming Australian and New Zealand titles
Books+Publishing magazine
Established in 1921 and published bimonthly, Books+Publishing magazine contains in-depth features, author interviews, opinion and pre-publication reviews of forthcoming Australian and New Zealand titles. 

Weekly Book Newsletter email 
Emailed to subscribers on Wednesdays, 49 times a year, theWeekly Book Newsletter contains the latest publishing industry and book-related news, library news, job advertisements, classifieds, industry notices, events listings, author tour information and bestseller charts.

Books+Publishing website 
On the Books+Publishing website subscribers have access to the news stories, features, reviews and advertisements contained in Books+Publishing Magazine and the Weekly Book Newsletter, as well as breaking news, archived content and extra online-only opinion, author interviews and book reviews.

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Contact Information:
Contact Name:
Andrew Hanke
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