Tue 16 July 2024
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My Favourite Book: Abigail Newton
Noughts and Crosses
Malorie Blackman
Book Summary:
Noughts and Crosses is the first of four novels set in a racial dystopia. Sephy Hadley is a Cross. Deemed higher in society because of her dark skin. Callum McGregor is a Nought. A nothing because of his light skin. The pair now have to fight for their friendship as the true extent of their differences are made clear. Progress seems to have been made. Then the bomb goes off, changing Sephy and Callum's lives forever.
Why I Like It:
This book was the first one to ever make me cry. And by cry I mean sob. Blackman's novel left me stumped at times, astonished at my own ignorance. One example being, when a Nought is injured and the only skin toned plasters they have are dark, This just made me think of  all the skin toned plasters I'd seen. They'd all been light. The novel definitely opened my eyes further to racism. 

Although the books are aimed at young adults, I think anyone can read them. Mainly because the subject is one that anyone can relate to, its just not conveyed as extreme. 

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