Stories at an Exhibition: Online Writing Course, Writing Maps
Mon 10 Sep 2018 to Mon 5 Nov 2018
Stories at an Exhibition is an eight-week course that will prompt you to engage with art exhibitions in galleries and museums near you, and share stories, sketches, and experimental writing with other writers around the world. Art teaches us to look closely and broadens the scope of our writing practice. Tutor: Shaun Levin
Your own writing will be the focus of the course, though we will also look at examples of art-inspired writing by well-known poets and fiction writers.
Stories at an Exhibition is for you if you're interested in alternative approaches to writing, or want to shake up your way of writing, or you're feeling blocked and want to kickstart your creative practice.
No writing or drawing experience is necessary, but a willingness to play and experiment is. Limited to 10 participants
What participants like about the course:
•“The prompts are wonderful. So different from those I've experienced at other writing groups. Very inspirational. They have certainly got me writing.”
•"The tasks are encouraging a different perspective on writing which means I can move out of my 'default' mode allowing for a certain amount of risk taking."
Click here for more details.
If you have any questions, please contact the tutor, Shaun Levin, at
Dates: 10 September - 5 November 2018 (8 weeks with fortnightly assignments)
Venue: Online
Fee: £250
Additional Information:
Location: Online Region(s): International Price: £250