How Do We Measure Social, Artistic, Cultural and Economic Value?
Fri 13 Feb 2015 to Fri 13 Feb 2015
What values underpin community or participatory performance practice? Whose values are these – practitioners, participants, civic/social partners, funders?
This seminar and discussion will be led by Dr Kerrie Schaefer and will be taking a look at the issues of valuing participatory arts.
Venue: The acta centre
Date: 13 February
Time: 1.30pm - 4.30pm
As policy makers argue the case for social engagement in the arts and the intrinsic value of arts and culture for individuals and communities, this next seminar will focus on evaluation of participatory arts, and how we measure the social, artistic, cultural and economic value of community theatre.
"We can’t afford not to fund the arts" - Sir Peter Bazalgette, Chair, Arts Council England
What values underpin community or participatory performance practice?Whose values are these – practitioners, participants, civic/social partners, funders?
How do we determine what is of value in community performance practices; who decides?
How is evaluation important to advocacy for the arts in society?
How might evaluation contribute to knowledge and understanding of community performance practice within the arts/cultural sector?
How might evaluation improve/develop the theory and practice of community-based theatre
How is digital media transforming forms of evaluation?
Dr Kerrie Schaefer is Senior Lecturer in the Drama Department at the University of Exeter, UK. She is writing a book on Community Performance which seeks to better define what is meant by ‘community’ in participatory performance practices through case studies of practice in the UK/EU, Australia, North America and Singapore. She has been awarded research funding to pursue this (and other) research project(s), and also has some experience of evaluation via involvement in community arts projects in Australia, where she is originally from.
Please book a place by emailing, calling acta on 0117 9532448 or visiting
Additional Information:
Location: Bristol Region(s): South West England Price: Free