Tue 16 July 2024
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0s&1s Novels
We believe technological advances in any art's medium should help the proliferation of independent, unconventional product

But we're not quite sure this has happened. Despite the fact great novels are consistently being created, only a few make it through the requisite channels to a larger readership.

The selling of digital books has become an oligopoly, with only a few important players—& a lot of power. The world of e-reading shouldn't be proprietary to any one brand, reader, or (set of) publishers. Selling a digital book is as simple as transmitting a series of zeroes & ones, & there's never been a better time to take advantage of that fact.

Our concept is to distribute digital books that are truly independent, pro-author, green & above all, ambitious. Our writers get 80% of profits, retain full rights to the material & buck the trend, not follow it.

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