Mon 10 March 2025
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Writing in Practice - Vol. 1

In this issue:

“Critical Approaches to Creative Writing”: A Case Study
J. T. Welsch interrogates the language of AHRC funding guidelines and NAWE benchmarks, suggesting that Creative Writing needs to consider redefining its own terms if it is more fully to participate in the research cultures of the academy.
“Madness … poetry’s unique occupational hazard … like miner’s emphysema”
Mike Harris asks why writers are so drawn to hyperbole and melodramatic turns of phrase when writing about their daily work.
A Walk in the Abstract Garden: How Creative Writing might speak for itself in universities
Philip Gross's Professorial Inaugural Lecture, University of Glamorgan, 10 December 2006.
Blank Pages: The role(s) of the notebook in creating wellbeing during a series of creative writing workshops
Dr Viccy Adams describes a pilot study where close attention was paid to the productive use of writing notebooks by the students involved.
Collaborative writing to enhance cross-cultural understanding within the Academy
Professor Donna Lee Brien and Dr Bronwyn Fredericks convey the history of one particular Australian writing workshop, born of political and educational agendas — in this case Indigenous perspectives.
Dyslexic Writing: Reflexive Practice as Authentic Methodology
Louise Tondeur explores what it means to be a dyslexic writer, including her own story — and language — within her larger, contextual study.
Formalism and Felicity
Peter Griffiths argues that formalist criticism, combined with certain aspects of ordinary language philosophy, particularly Wittgenstein’s idea of "meaning as use" and J. L. Austin’s conception of "felicity" and "infelicity", can be useful in terms of the understanding and production of fiction.
Interrogating Writing Practices: Perspectives from the Screenwriting Industry
Craig Batty and Stayci Taylor draw on interviews undertaken with screenwriters, script editors, script executives and script consultants, relating their perspectives not only to issues specific to screenwriting and screenwriting pedagogy, but also to the discipline of creative writing more broadly.
Reclaiming the "Wounded Storyteller": The Use of Peer Feedback as a Pedagogical Tool in Creative Life Writing
Farrukh Akhtar looks at the use of student feedback within the creative writing workshop, with particular reference to life writing.
The Mindfulness of Poetry
Dr Sarah Wardle offers a succinct survey of long standing debates on the purpose and function of poetry.
The Narrator as Detective
Professor John Dale draws on his own experience investigating the unsolved murder of a famous police whistleblower in Sydney Australia and interrogates narratorial perspective within works of "true-crime" creative non-fiction.
Writing the Polyphonic Novel
Dr Paul Williams draws on his own experience in writing Cokcrako, a novel that evolved into a polyphonic form, discussing the successive choices he made in telling the story of a young Australian academic working in South Africa and researching a legendary African writer whose identity proves to be an illusion
Writing the Smart City: "Relational Space" and the Concept of "Belonging"
Dr Spencer Jordan explores the complex and intimate relationship between writing and the city, drawing on a project in which participants took a digitally mediated journey along the Glamorganshire Canal in Wales.

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