Sat 29 March 2025
Manuscript Appraisals
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You are here: Home > The Writer's Compass > Events & Opportunities > Manuscript Appraisals > Cornerstones Literary Consultancy
Cornerstones Literary Consultancy
Cornerstones is a leading transatlantic literary consultancy and editorial house. Since 1998, they have been sharing their knowledge and placing writers with top book editors to help achieve publishing success.

They offer an array of editorial services, including manuscript assessments and one-to-one mentoring, copy-editing and proofreading, and they also run an intensive online course, Edit Your Novel the Professional Way.

For a free initial assessment, contact, or tel: 01308 897374 for more information.

More about Cornerstones


Additional Information:

Contact Information:
Cornerstones Literary Consultancy
Contact Name:
01308 897374
Contact Email:
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