Thu 13 March 2025
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You are here: Home > The Writer's Compass > Events & Opportunities > Competitions & Submissions > Research Study: AI in Creative Writing (Participants Needed)
Research Study: AI in Creative Writing (Participants Needed)
Deadline: Wed 12 Feb 2025
Could AI change how we write? I'm a Master's student at Essex University exploring the use of AI in creative writing. Want to try writing with AI and share your thoughts?

I am looking to see if anyone is interested in potentially helping to gather their opinions, thoughts, how AI can/could help with being a writing collaborator, how it compares to writing alone, concerns with the use of AI in this field etc

I am studying a Master’s (by Dissertation) Creative Writing course at Essex University, about if AI could be (or not) used as a collaboration with scriptwriters and broadly creative writing.

The title is 'Future imperfect: will advancements in artificial intelligence and Large Language Models (LLMs) be an opportunity for collaboration with screenwriters or replace the creative processes.'

Can be anyone from tech-savvy person who cannot wait to use these tools to help with their work to professional writers, screenwriters, any type of creative industry people, just interested in writing in any form, or with AI itself, or someone who is wary and nervous about how AI will hinder the creative process of devising stories. Plus, anyone who is neurodivergent (like I am) and wants to see if this can help with their ideas and SPaG issues.

Looking for a wide range of opinions, to undertake the research tasks.

I would provide some writing tasks where you will create some work (with and without the use of AI via Google Gemini), and make notes on your thoughts. Then later provide some feedback via a survey.

Your input and feedback are anonymous and will be published in my dissertation.

If this interests anyone, please email me at Si Andrews and I can send you further details and the tasks document.

Deadline: 12 February 2025
Additional Information:

Contact Information:
University of Essex
Contact Name:
Si Andrews
Contact Email:
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