Wed 12 March 2025
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You are here: Home > The Writer's Compass > Events & Opportunities > Competitions & Submissions > Moniack Mhor: Two Roads Award
Moniack Mhor: Two Roads Award
Deadline: Mon 11 Feb 2019
This new award aims to support the development of two talented emerging writers of Fiction and Non-Fiction living and working in the UK who are on low income and may find fees a barrier to attending a course at Moniack Mhor, Scotland's Creative Writers' Centre.

The Two Roads Award is open to unpublished prose writers (individuals who have yet to publish a major work i.e. a novel or short story collection) l who have a work in progress.

Please apply by sending:
A completed application form which will demonstrate that that you are recipient of benefits and/or on low income. This form will also ask you to provide a synopsis of your work in progress and the reasons why you would like to attend a course at Moniack Mhor. It will also ask you to declare any literary achievements to date and will include a sample of your work.

For further information, please visit our website

For any enquiries please contact: Eilidh Smith, Programme Manager, on or 01463741675

The deadline is Monday 11 February 2019 at 17:00.

Additional Information:

Contact Information:
Moniack Mhor
Contact Name:
Eilidh Smith
Contact Email:
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