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Writing in Education - Vol. 62 - NAWE Conference 2013

In this issue:

Articulating the Other
Emily Bullock, Nicky Harlow, Emma Claire Sweeney and Heather Richardson share their strategies in exploring fictional voices.
Building the Short Story
Michael Le-Baigue, a PGCE student, relates his dry stone walling skills to the demands of narrative. His story, 'Scratch', is included.
But can you get a job with this?
Julie MacLusky addresses the requirements of embedding “progression” within writing courses.
Dyslexic and Loving Words
Vicky Morris speaks up for dyslexic writers.
Eliza’s Babes
Robyn Bolam shows how to use the skills, ideas and lives of women poets from earlier centuries to create writing of your own.
Jane Austen’s Guide to Writing
Rebecca Smith draws inspiration from one of the most popular novelists of all time.
Learning how to write and teach fiction (without the fuss)
Lucy McCarraher charts her success story as writer, teacher and publisher.
Literary Festival as Pedagogy
Josie Barnard describes how the administrative tasks of running a festival improved students’ creative writing skills.
Low energy, high creativity
Maria McCarthy explains how she discovered writing through chronic illness.
Nurturing Academic Creativity
Sarah Oliver reports on the realities of teaching the A Level in Creative Writing at the Priory Academy LSST in Lincoln.
Research for the Creative Writing PhD
Martin Goodman, Brian Lavery, David Tomlinson and Chris Westoby reflect on their various challenges.
Subverting the Pyramid
Barbara Henderson puts forward the importance of creative writing in journalism.
Teaching Writing
Seth Clabough explores the connections between experience, place and subjectivity.
Versions of Creative Writing Teaching
Louise Tondeur surveys the ways in which creative writing teaching is configured.

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