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Myths of the Near Future 8: All Hail The New Puritans - Extended Deadline
Deadline: Thu 1 Sep 2016
This Summer Myths of the Near Future is calling all young writers, aged 16-25, to submit fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction and essays

"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." 
George Orwell

This winter Myths of the Near Future is calling all young writers, aged 16-25, to send writing that mocks convention. Writing that is proud, glorious and outrageous. We want stories and poems that challenge orthodoxies. We're told what not to eat, drink, enjoy or say. We want a Literature of rebellion. 

We welcome submissions as MS Word or equivalent documents. The deadline for all submission is midnight, 1st September 2016. 

Myths of the Near Future is published by the NAWE Young Writers' Hub. Previous issues can be found here and include the best new writing by the under 25s and interviews with Evie Wyld, Ross Raisin, Joe Dunthorne, Helen Mort, David Morley, Kim Moore, CJ Flood and many, more. We published three times a year as an eBook and collect these editions into a single print compendium. Read the latest issue here for free on ISSUU.


Poems - up to six entries
Flash fiction - up to six entries, up to 500 words
Short stories - up to 3000 words
Reviews - between 500-1000 words
Features - including interviews, opinions and political polemics, up to 1000 words 

Please send your work with a brief bio, any links to websites to young writers' co-ordinator, Wes Brown at

Wes Brown
Myths of the Near Future

Additional Information:

Contact Information:
NAWE Young Writers' Hub
Contact Name:
Wes Brown
Contact Email:
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