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NAWE aims to put creativity at the heart of education. NAWE is a charity funded largely by its members fees and donations.
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Arts Council Funding
Wed 30 Mar 2011
Writers from all over the world are expressing dismay at the news of NAWE's funding cut from 2012.
Paul Munden, NAWE's Director, writes: "Arts Council England has chosen not to include NAWE in its new National Portfolio Funding Programme. We are deeply disappointed about this, indeed it is a very difficult decision to understand. NAWE represents a thriving and growing community of writers committed to sharing their practice with others - of all ages. Comments already received from members testify to the importance of NAWE in helping them establish and sustain their careers.

"Why our Association should have been targeted for a total cut, when many organizations have received substantial uplifts, is not yet clear. Planning for the future has been made extremely difficult but we should nevertheless like to state quite categorically that NAWE will hold to its mission and continue to support its members in every way possible.

"We have established a significant national community of writers with passionate educational ideals, skilled in developing the next generation. We believe that is something too important to be destroyed.

"Please add your voice to the comments below, which are being presented to ACE."
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Paul Munden
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