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Sports and Games Anthology
Deadline: Sat 31 Dec 2011
Would you like to contribute to a poetry anthology for children aged about 8-11 years?
The poems should be about sports and games (archery, ludo, tiddlywinks, computer games, cards, table tennis, gymnastics, synchronised swimming, polo, etc.)  It won’t just be shorter poems that have a better chance in our fully illustrated book of about 40 pages.

The poems need an international appeal, so we’re looking for poems on a variety of games and sports that are popular in various parts of the world. If interested, please email your poems by end December 2011 on this subject to Debjani Chatterjee and Brian D’Arcy who are editing the anthology for Frances Lincoln Children’s Books. New and previously published poems are all welcome, but please give details of prior publication so that due acknowledgement may be made.

The final decision on the poems selected will rest with the Frances Lincoln commissioning editor. Please also let us have your postal address, in case your poem(s) make it to the final selection. If published, there will be a small permission fee. 

Submissions may be made to: Debjani Chatterjee and Brian D'Arcy or by post to: 11 Donnington Road, Sheffield S2 2RF. 
Additional Information:

Contact Information:
Frances Lincoln Children’s Books
Contact Name:
Debjani Chatterjee
Contact Email:
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