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You are here: Home > The Writer's Compass > Events & Opportunities > Events > Here Be Monsters: Creative Writing Workshop
Here Be Monsters: Creative Writing Workshop
Thu 7 Apr 2011 to Thu 7 Apr 2011
Here Be Monsters is a creative writing workshop with a difference. Participants will use their own ‘sense of place’ to create a map of their hopes and fears for the future, specifically focusing on climate change, but drawing in whatever matters most to them.
Thursday 7 April, 10.00 to 16.00

Queen's Building, University of Exeter, EX4 4QH

Free of charge, but lunch and refreshments are not included - bring your own or cafes are available nearby

Work together to create adventurous and entertaining fiction.

Workshop Leader: Clare George, Novelist and Writer in Residence, University of Exeter
Guest Speaker: Mark Goldthorpe, formerly of the UK Climate Impacts Programme and Climate South East

This event is sponsored by Arts Council England. It is part of the 'Imagine there's a future' project - for more details of the project see

It is free of charge but places are limited and booking is essential. To book your place, email
Additional Information:
South West England
Free - booking required

Contact Information:
University of Exeter
Contact Name:
Clare George
Contact Email:
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