Thu 13 March 2025
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Writing in Education - Vol. 54 - Writing on Location

Magazine No. 54

In this issue:

Art into Words
Bridget Crowley describes how she uses pictures in the Wallace Collection (and on the Young Cultural Creators project) as a stimulus for writing.
Elizabeth Gaskell and the John Rylands Library
Sherry Ashworth shows how the library atmosphere and author’s letters can combine to inspire.
In the Path of the Poet
Cheryl Moskowitz ‘breathes in’ John Clare at workshops based at his cottage in Helpston.
Inspiration Tapping at the Window
Aoife Mannix describes her ghost story workshop at the Brontë Parsonage Museum in Haworth.
Knebworth Unvisited
Bridget Crowley explores the home of Edward Bulwer Lytton, the best-selling Victorian author of gothic novels, a house still owned by the family.
Pigeons and Dickens
Mario Petrucci presents his writing resources devised for the Charles Dickens Museum in London.
The Country of My Heart
Liz Cashdan offers workshop ideas for teachers and pupils visiting the DH Lawrence Heritage Centre in Eastwood.
Vestigia and Relics at Shandy Hall
John Wedgwood Clarke delights in the linguistic playground that is the former home of novelist Laurence Sterne.
Wandering Lonely as a Clod?
Char March recounts her work with the Wordsworth Trust at Dove Cottage in Grasmere.
Writing at Jane Austen’s House Museum:
Rebecca Smith introduces exercises based on the artefacts and other inspirations at Chawton.
Writing the Jurassic
Bronwen Griffiths makes use of fossils and other archaeological finds, working in ‘Hardy Country’ with pupils at the Dorset County Museum.

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