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Muslim Writers Awards
Deadline: Fri 20 Jul 2012
The Muslim Writers Awards is back, and this year it's bigger than ever

The Muslim Writers Awards is back, and this year it's bigger than ever! With more prizes and partners, this year's ceremonies and host of events will be form the Muslim Writers Awards Festival, making it the largest Muslim writing event in the world!

The Festival welcomes submissions from writers across the world. We have a broad range of categories from screen play to novel writing to journalism.

As always shortlisted entries will be assessed by panels of esteemed judges, and the shortlisted entrants will be invited to a high-profile televised Awards ceremony scheduled for November 2012 in London.

Our awards ceremonies are an opportunity to showcase talent from both published and unpublished writers.

We work with a number of literary agents and publishers who are eager to read and review writing submitted to us.

For more information and to book your place

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